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Citations Search

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Select one or more applications from the Advanced Search Options and/or enter search terms in the text box.

Citations are publications that cite the use of Promega products. The results will include the reference to the journal and a brief note on the use of Promega product in the article.


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Our Citations database contains references for peer-review journal articles that cite the use of Promega products. There are multiple ways to search for citations:

  1. Enter keywords (including catalog numbers, product names or authors) into the text field.
  2. Select one or more Applications from the Advanced Search Options list.
  3. Use a combination of Application(s) and keyword text.
  4. Restrict the search by publication year.

For Citations using a particular Promega product we suggest that you search by product name or catalog number. For searches with a broader scope, a good strategy is to select one or two applications, view the results, and then narrow the focus by adding keywords to the search criteria.

Citations that fit the search criteria will be displayed in reverse chronological order (newer references first). We have not included Promega literature about our products in this database of Citations. See Articles & Publications or Protocols for additional information on specific products.

Each return entry contains two main parts: the reference and a short note about the use of Promega product.